Recreational Registration Information

RBSA, by partnering with the Revere High School Baseball and Softball programs, offers our rec leagues, a travel program, and fall and winter camps.  We are fortunate to be able to offer year round opportunities for players of all skill levels to play or practice. 

Registration information is listed on our website, our Facebook page, on Revere Local Schools Fly ‘R Central, via e-mail blasts to past participants, and sometimes through advertisements in the Richfield Times and Bath Country Journal.  The RBSA does our best to communicate to the community the dates for our rec league sign-ups, travel team tryouts, and our numerous camps.

Expand the tiles below for more information on that season's registration

Players are placed in leagues based on their age on May 1stThe grade they are in is not taken into account.  This is a national Little League rule and not unique to RBSA. 

Ages 5 - 18 are accepted, as long as the child is at the minimum age by May 1st, and does not turn 19 by May 1st. 

See date of birth ranges below for a guide.

Recreation Age Ranges

League DOB Ranges

Interested in your child playing up to the next league? Scroll to the bottom of the page for our play-up request process.

Please e-mail for assistance with any of the registration forms. 

Spring Recreation Registration (Closed)

Re-opening in December for Spring 2025

Who: Leagues T-ball through High School are eligible for the spring season. League DOB's are listed at the top of this page.

Volunteer: We are always in need of coaches, so please consider volunteering your time if you are able. The coach sign-up can be found at the link at the bottom of the page.

Sponsors: Interested in sponsoring your child(ren)'s team? Fill out this form by the end of January before we assign sponsors to teams.

When: Registration typically closes in early February, so that we have time for evaluations, creating fair teams, and coordinate schedules with participating communities.

How: View the link at the bottom of the page to register. Starting with Fall 2024, we are using TeamLinkt instead of SportsConnect.

After creating a TeamLinkt account, add your child's information, answer the registration questions; view the waivers, then enter payment information to complete the form. 

Fall Recreation Registration (Closed)

Re-opening in June for Fall 2025

Who: Due to prior years participant interest, our fall leagues usually only include the older kids, as long as there is enough interest and a coach(es) for a team(s). For Baseball, this is H League, G League, and F League; and for Softball, all leagues could have teams. 

Volunteer: We are always in need of coaches, so please consider volunteering your time if you are able. The coach sign-up can be found at the link at the bottom of the page.

When: Registration typically closes in late July so we know how many team(s) we need to field, and coordinate schedules with participating communities.

How: View the link at the bottom of the page to register. Starting with Fall 2024, we are using TeamLinkt instead of SportsConnect.

After creating a TeamLinkt account, add your child's information, answer the registration questions; view the waivers, then enter payment information to complete the form. Fall Ball registrants do not pay until we confirm we have enough kids and coaches to have teams. 

Registration Forms (TeamLinkt)

Click below to view the form(s). 

Please note the coach sign-up is separate from the player sign-up.

Play-Up Requests

If your child is one of the older or younger children in their grade and they qualify for a league that a majority of their classmates are not in, you can make a request in writing to the RBSA Training Director ( Your play-up request can also be marked during registration so it will appear on our reports. 

For example, if your child’s age qualifies them for the BMP league, but they are one of the younger kids in their grade so the majority of their classmates are in the H League, you can request they “play up” to H. Not all requests can be granted, but all are considered and granted when possible. “Playing down” requests are rarely approved and must have extenuating circumstances to be considered.