

Evaluations are a critical component to creating balanced and competitive teams for the season.

When: February 15th -- check Calendar page and/or watch for e-mail blasts for updates.

Where: Old Trail in Akron -- 2315 Ira Rd.

Volunteers Needed: We need volunteers to run evaluations from 8:30a - 1p for registration, admin, and most of the evaluation stations (throwing, fielding, and batting left). Sign-up link will be posted on social media and e-mailed to registered participants.

When to Arrive: Arrive at the time for which your player is currently registered, NOT the session for which they are requesting to play up.

A copy of the Evaluation schedule is listed here, once available. 

What to Bring: Gloves only, NO bats please!

What to Expect

Players will start at the registration table where they will be given an evaluation sheet that they will carry through 4 evaluation stations. 

Station 1 – GROUNDERS: 5 hard grounders, throw ball back 

Station 2 – FLY BALLS: 5 fly balls, throw ball back 

Station 3 – CATCHING: catch 5 from catcher’s position and throw to 2nd (STATION CAN BE SKIPPED IF PLAYER DOES NOT WANT TO PLAY CATCHER) 


Players are expected to guide themselves to each station in order and get their evaluation sheets completely filled out. We would appreciate it if parents could stay with their player and help guide them. Players will then place their completed evaluation sheets into the appropriate bin at the registration table upon exit. 

Play Up Requests: If not indicated during registration, requests must be submitted via email to Bob Beesley ( no later than Tues February 11th. Players with Play Up Requests will be identified with a unique evaluation sheet and will be escorted by a volunteer through the evaluation stations. These requests will be answered following Evaluations. 

Questions or Concerns: If you cannot attend, or any other questions or concerns about evaluations please e-mail 

I League (T-Ball)

The primary concern of this league is teaching the kids the different positions, the basic rules, and having fun. 

Score is not kept and there are no playoffs. Due to this, everyone gets a participation trophy. 

There is no pre-season training or evaluations for this league. 1-2 practices a week, and 1-2 games a week. 

Ages: 5-6 year olds, which is typically kids entering K and 1st grade, and is our only co-ed league.

Players must be 5 years old by May 1st per National Rules.

Questions? E-mail

Click here for I League Rules.

BCP (Baseball Coach Pitch)

Ages: 7-8 year olds, which is typically boys entering 2nd and 3rd grade.

Questions? E-mail

Click here for BCP Rules.

H League

Also called Kid Pitch since this is the first league the kids pitch in. 

Ages: 9-10 year olds, which is typically kids entering 4th and 5th grades.

Questions? E-mail

Click here for H League Rules.

G League

Ages: 11-12 year olds, typically kids entering 6th and 7th grades.

Questions? E-mail

Click here for G League Rules.

F League

This is our summer program for middle school students. Rules in this league are similar to G League. 

The bases are 90’ apart and the pitcher’s mound is 55’ from the plate. 

Ages: 13-14 year olds, typically kids entering 8th and 9th grades.  

Questions? E-mail

Click here for F League Rules.

E League

This is our summer program for high school students. We do not do pre-season training for this league.

Ages: 15 – 18 years old.  Anyone who is 19 years old by May 1st is ineligible to play.  

Questions? E-mail

Click here for E League Rules.